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Bartlesville’s Bella Gustafson – Tennis Spotlight – Presented by City Church of Bartlesville

Athletes work hard so that they can be at their best when they compete, as well as reach the goals that they have set for themselves. Bella Gustafson is a sophomore at Bartlesville High School and she has her goals set for more than just playing playing tennis in high school. 

“It has taken a lot of dedication and drive to get better on the team,” she said. “My biggest motivation is to be able to play college tennis and eventually play to my full potential.”

Throughout her life, Gustafson has had a number of different people that have played a role or made an impact on her life. She states that she would not be the person she is today without these people. 

“One of my biggest role models is my mom,” Bella said. “She is always there when I need her. Also, Mrs. Harper has had an influence on my life because she was my teacher in 8th grade and is my teacher and coach now so I feel pretty connected with her.”

The teammates that she is surrounded by at practice and competitions have also played a role in Gustafson’s life.

“I like working with Julia McKissick because I’ve created a good friendship with her on and off the court,” she said. “I feel like Bash is the least appreciated even though he’s been improving a lot.”

Bella has competed against a lot of other schools during her time playing tennis. She says that while she enjoys winning, there is one team that makes the wins a little sweeter.

“Cascia Hall as a team is always tough to beat,” she said. “So anytime we are able to get the win against them is enjoyable.”
While Bella puts in the work and can see her impormevment on the court, she says that she also has other ways to work on her game.

“I like to follow Patrick Montouratoglou,” she said. “He posts great tips for tennis and those help me to get better.”

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