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9 Qs With Bartlesville’s Jessica Carithers – Presented By City Church

VYPE: What are your goals for this season?
Jessica: I’m really looking forward to growing this season and focusing on the next step in my soccer career.

VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life?
Jessica: Soccer has taught me that consistency is key, that goes for on and off the field.

VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade and why?
Jessica: Ms. Moody from Dewey Elementary was my kindergarten and second grade teacher. I would have to say she’s my favorite because she left a big impact on me at such a young age. She taught me how to use my voice.

VYPE: Who inspires you and why?
Jessica: My brother-in-law, Ryan, inspires me the most. He showed me how important my work ethic and dedication is.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?
Jessica: I have so many teammates who have left an impression on me like Jaci Decker, Millie Butler, and Sawyer Kirkland. They have pushed me to be a better person since we were kids. We could go to practice and put in our all and still walk off the field as friends.

VYPE: What is your favorite part about being on a team?
Jessica: My favorite part about being on a team is the relationships and memories made along the way.

VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do
you take with you?
Jessica: I’d pick Aruba for my summer destination and would bring my family with me.

VYPE: Why are you passionate about your sport?
Jessica: I’m passionate about my sport because it makes me feel good and it allows me to connect with my friends.

VYPE: Here is your chance to say hello, goodbye or thank you to anyone you wish.
Jessica: I want to give a special thanks to everyone who has supported me along the way! I couldn’t have done it without my family and friends! I’m forever grateful for the memories I’ve made along the way!

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