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9 Questions with Bruin Softball Player Lexi Durao – Presented by RibCrib

Lexi Durao

Bartlesville High School

VYPE: Lexi, why is being a student-athlete at Bartlesville High School so special to you?

Durao: I enjoy being able to play the sport that I love at Bartlesville where the school spirit is high, and the teamwork is amazing. I also feel that Bartlesville has high academic standards and pushes their student-athletes to excel both on and off the field.

VYPE: What grade are you in this year and how many years have you played softball?

Durao: I’m in 11th grade and have played softball for eight years.

VYPE: What do you love most about your teammates?

Durao: The thing I love most about my teammates is that even though everyone has their own personalities we come together on the field to give our all.

VYPE: Does your schedule allow you to be part of any other clubs or groups?

Durao: No with my busy school and softball schedules I don’t have time for much else.

VYPE: Do you have a favorite subject in school or a favorite teacher?

Durao: My favorite subjects in school would either be science or computer. Although I have many excellent teachers my favorite would have to be Mr. Munoz who is my computer teacher.

VYPE: What’s your favorite memory on the softball field?

Durao: My favorite memory this season would have to be my first game back from being out for several weeks with a concussion. During that game I hit back-to-back homeruns; the first was a solo and the second was a grand slam.

VYPE: What would you like to do after you graduate?

Durao: After high school I plan to continue my academic and athletic career at the college level.

VYPE: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Durao: In my free time I enjoy hanging out with friends, driving around, and swimming.

VYPE: How does the team look and what is the goal for the season?

Durao: Our team is looking very promising; we have had a few scrimmages and have done really well. The teamwork has been on point, and I really feel that we have a chance at state finals.

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