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Bartlesville Area

Q&A with Nowata’s Kaleb Bashford – Presented by Arvest Bank

VYPE: How long have you played your sports, and what first got you interested in them?

Kaleb: I’ve been playing basketball for about 10 years. It looked fun and I wanted to stay active. I’ve been playing baseball since I was four or five. My dad was always watching it so I started watching it as a kid and became a big Red Sox fan. I fell in love with it and have been playing ever since.

VYPE: In your opinion, what is the best part about playing sports in high school?

Kaleb: For me, the best part is getting to represent your community and school to the best of your abilities.

VYPE: What is your favorite memory competing?

Kaleb: There are so many to choose from but my favorite is winning the state tournament back to back years on my summer travel ball team.

VYPE: What do your teammates mean to you?

Kaleb: My teammates mean everything to me. Without them pushing me to my maximum potential then I wouldn’t be where I’m at today.

VYPE: Do you have a favorite opponent to compete against? If so, why?

Kaleb: I don’t necessarily have a favorite but I always enjoy playing against my former teammates and close friends. It always brings out that extra level of competitiveness that I like.

VYPE: Is there anyone you look up to as a role model, and why?

Kaleb: My parents are the biggest role models in my life. I also wouldn’t be where I’m at without them guiding me the right way. I look up to my cousin Logan Cline as well. I’ve always modeled my baseball game around his work ethic. He’s helped me with a lot in my game. My uncle Tyler Cline is a big role model to me too. He recently got diagnosed with ALS and is still trying to fight the long battle and keeping his head up in the process. I wish I could have the same amount of joy he finds in life even when things are not great for him right now.

VYPE: What are your plans after high school?

Kaleb: I plan to attend college and play baseball. I would be happy with going anywhere to play. I would like to major in something involved with the sports world (preferably baseball) just so I can always be around the game.

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