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Bartlesville Area

Tulsa’s SGT Rahim Awe – Army National Guard Spotlight

A former student of Tulsa Public Schools and Bishop Kelley High School, Sergeant Rahim Awe started his career in the Oklahoma National Guard as an 11B or Infantryman. Today he serves as a recruiter in the Tulsa area. 

“I enlisted in November of 2015 as an 11B Infantrymen, while serving as an 11B I learned from some of the best leaders to ever serve in the OKARNG. My recruiting journey began in October of 2019. I have been recruiting ever since,” said SGT Awe. 

Finding enjoyment in his job has been easy for Awe. 

“My job has provided me the opportunity to recruit many applicants who have turned into great soldiers. Providing an avenue towards success for someone who is determined to make the best of it is a great and unmatched feeling,” said Awe. “Honestly, the diverse culture with a mix of leadership who challenges themselves to take care of our joes (our soldiers). The Oklahoma National Guard also has a very rich history in comparison to other components, we began prominent during WWII. You can learn more about us on Netflix by watching the show “The Liberators.” 

During his career, Awe has participated in active-duty missions helping in natural disaster missions. 

“I have not served overseas, which is why the Oklahoma National Guard is so unique. I’ve taken part in state active-duty missions helping our state and neighboring states during times of emergency and need. Was specifically part of the flood relief mission here in our own backyard a few years back,” said Awe. 

Today, recruits can receive benefits for enlisting into the National Guard. 

“With my team here in Tulsa, you are getting lifelong leaders and mentors who will be invested in your careers and will always maintain an open door to you through-out your service. Of course, covering tuition costs for a bachelor’s degree is pretty good too,” said Awe. 

There is one question nearly every recruit asks Awe while going through the process of enlisting. 

“This is a golden question. Honestly, the most frequent question I get is also very simple, “Is the Army hard and is it going to be hard?” I enjoy this question because, the truth is, yes, the Army is challenging, and it can be hard at times. However, the journey of life can also be hard and challenging. The difference is when things get hard or challenging in the Oklahoma National Guard, you have leaders to call on for guidance.” 

Sergeant Awe enjoys spending time with his wife and newborn son when he’s not on the range or training in Muay Thai. 

“Muay Thai has been a part of my life since 2017 and I’ve even competed and fought locally and nationally. I currently hold an amateur record of four wins one loss,” said Awe. 

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