Jacob Castro
Ketchum High School
Jacob Castro of Ketchum High School is a senior this year and a member of the FFA chapter at school. Castro has spent all four years of high school in FFA and admits he joined as a freshman because he was curious about the new facility on campus.
“I joined FFA because of my curiosity about the new Ag building at my school. My former Ag Teacher, Ms. Minson, encouraged me to do CDE’s like Greenhand, quizbowl, and speech,” said Castro.
Serving as the current chapter President, Castro said there are many reasons he enjoys being in FFA. From meeting new people to the competitions, being part of the chapter at Ketchum High School has given him the opportunity to participate in many things outside of school.
“I have loved meeting new people, making friendships, making memories, going to other states, and learning about all types of things on my journey. I love competing in speech contests and hearing about all the different types of speeches FFA members make,” said Castro. “In the past, I have been in Greenhand, Ag Quizbowl, and horse judging. Now I do Speech and Ag Business and Management.”
FFA is not the only club Castro is involved in at Ketchum. Castro splits some of his time between FFA, Leo’s, STUCO, National Honor Society, Senior Class Council, Show Choir and he’s the school’s computer technician.
His future plans include attending college and pursue a degree in Agribusiness.
“Upon graduating from Ketchum High School, I plan to attend Oklahoma State University. I plan to get a bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness. After graduating from OSU, I plan to become an entrepreneur and to maybe one day become a politician and further fight for Oklahoman’s rights and farmers and ranchers in any way I can,” said Castro.
In his free time, Castro spends it wisely studying and spending time with friends.
“I love to think, read the bible, listen to music, and hang out with my friends,” said Castro.